
ASTN Sport's Cutting Edge on: Apple Podcasts, Anchor and Spotify.

#83: ‘More than token’, how Amy Crosland is driving women and girls’ participation in sportstech

Date: 22-Jul-2024
Amy Crosland is the Operations Boss of ASTN, and she has just released a ‘Women in Sports Innovation’ report, showing less than 10% of Aussie sport start-ups are female-founded. The study also shows female-founded start-ups give a 63% greater return on capital investment than male start-ups. 20-year-old sports journalist Ava Stone also joined the discussion, and said true equality will be reached when we no longer need to discuss gender at all. Amy and Ava gave insight into how we can increase female participation, and how women and men can both appreciate their unique value.

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#82: Chris Zheng, Statstrade, and the adaptability of betting technology

Date: 1-Jul-2024
The simplification of betting mechanisms could be the future of sports gambling. Founder of Statstrade, Chris Zheng has adapted an existing software to take up residency in the betting and sport statistics world. Predicting the wager for sporting matches is becoming mainstream, with anyone able to view the odds right from their phone. Zheng took the technology, and created tools companies can use to grow their business, furthering benefits for the user. The future of Statstrade could potentially allow people to create markets, as well as bet on existing sporting match-ups. Creating a product of interest in the ever evolving market is the hand that every business wishes to be dealt.

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#81: The importance of understanding & supporting inclusivity in community sport with Steve Pallas

Date: 17-Jun-2024
Over time, the presence and persona of community-level sporting clubs continues to adapt. Steve Pallas, founder of Sports Community, is aiming to help nurture inclusivity and support clubs around Australia. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, clubs have struggled to stay afloat- so understanding continued and strategic growth is more important now than ever before. Pallas’ platform, now part of the Belgravia business family, supports clubs in reaching these goals. There has been a noticeable difference over the last 20 years, with more local cricket and football clubs supporting female teams in competition, providing that opportunity to broaden their reach. sportscommunity.com.au works alongside clubs to help them reach their full potential for the community in its entirety.

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#80: The inception of A.I timing into world swimming, with Ben Ramsden

Date: 3-Jun-2024
Swimming in Australia is adapting to change with the times, benefitting from all that technology has to offer. The traditional, most common timing process can lead to varied outcomes, and a lack of consistency across competitions within Australia and beyond. Multiple staff or volunteers are required to manually record the results of a swimming race, with human error, an ever-present risk. Ben Ramsden, and his company Olly Timing, have founded AI timing to solve this problem. Ben is also the first to introduce the Hawkeye technology into swimming, and bridge the gap between technology and the historic sport.

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#79: Fighting back against exercise misinformation: Elena Von Rosenberg & Andrew Schox from Pibbot

Date: 20-May-2024
The proliferation of digital and social media has furnished the rapid rise of misinformation across all corners of life. Health, exercise and body image being no exception. Elena Von Rosenberg and Andrew Schox are fighting back against the wave of superficiality with a healthy dose of science. Elena is a musculoskeletal physiotherapist, who has worked in public and private health in Europe and Australia, with community, pro and Olympic athletes. Andrew Schox is one of Western Australia’s leading health industry figures- a podiatrist, software developer, and also a futurist Elena and Andrew have founded Pibbot- an online platform creating a scientific path to a healthy lifestyle. The app tailor-makes health and wellbeing ‘prescriptions’ to each individual participant, with one-on-one mentoring and support, and community inclusion.

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#78: The Aussie AI start-up now powering the world’s greatest Olympians, Team USA

Date: 6-May-2024
Iggy Jovanovic is the founder of Gerford AI- a real-time in play AI data acquisition and distribution platform that gives athletes that elusive 1% edge. In May 2023, Iggy inked the deal of a lifetime, becoming the AI partner of the United States’ Olympic Swim Team. Iggy’s Gerford AI has already helped deliver Winter Olympic Gold, Commonwealth Games Gold, and he’s working with David Beckham’s Esports company, Guild. Today, Iggy takes us inside the tech, inside the road to Paris with Team USA, and into his amazing broader life story.

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#77: Empathetic branding, with singer-songwriter Dene Menzel from Branthem

Date: 22-Apr-2024
Dene Menzel is a singer-songwriter who’s gone to Number 1 on the iTunes charts. She’s also an author who has topped Amazon best seller lists in the USA. And Dene is the founder of Branthem. Branthem work hand-in-hand with clients to create the right sound to engage their target audience through the power of music. Dene joins us to today to speak about her passion for sportstech, and how music branding can help Aussie start ups to cut through the clutter.

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#76: The world’s leading sports psychologist, Scott Goldman from Athletic Intelligence Quotient

Date: 8-Apr-2024
Scott Goldman is Performance Psychologist at the Golden State Warriors. Prior to that he was at the Detroit Lions, after being the head of Performance Psychology at the Miami Dolphins. Through his own shop, Athletic Intelligence Quotient (AIQ), Scott and his team consult with a wide array of pro teams in the USA (NBA, MLB, NFL), Europe and now Australia. Scott is renowned for his humility and sincerity, in an approach where he builds organically with an individual, rather than dictates from on high. Today we hear the role data, analytics and intuition plays in helping to build the mindset of world class athletes.

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#75: Cutting the puffery: How Graham Dudley is helping sportstech get real with the consumers

Date: 25-Mar-2024
Graham Dudley comes into sportstech companies like a specialist coach, to help them make sense of data, and turn artificial intelligence into actual intelligence. He founded Global Performance Testing in 2011, and works with companies in North America, Europe, Australasia and now India. Graham and his team assess products, provide evaluation and validation, tech support, training, analytics and cyber security. In today’s show, Graham says overselling and underdelivering is a major modern problem in sportstech.

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#74: Winning the biggest gig in sport: Craig Green, SprtsHQ & the FIFA World Cup

Date: 18-Mar-2024
Aussie media executive Craig Green was the International Marketing Director & Advertising Boss during his 20-year career with Sony Entertainment. He then did the same thing at EA Games & EA Sport. Craig now has his own shop, SprtsHQ, creating an all-encompassing digital collectible business model, amplifying leagues, engaging fans, and integrating commercial partners. SprtsHQ won the world-wide race to become official licensee to the FIFA World Cup, and are now surging into both grass roots and elite level sport.

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#73: The NFL’s secrets to social media success, with Aaron Eisman

Date: 4-Mar-2024
Aaron Eisman is renowned in America as a social media savant. He’s run socials for the NFL Network, Bleacher Report and Turner Sports. Aaron now has his own shop, Eisman Digital, and he works hand-in-hand with brands throughout North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific to “cut through the clutter” and “stop the scroll”. Today, Aaron opens up with key lessons on his 15 years in the sports entertainment industry, and his time at the coalface of the globe’s social media revolution.

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#72: Removing sport’s socio-economic barriers: Clubfunders’ Blake Lawrence & Stuart Jacobs

Date: 27-Feb-2024
Clubfunders’ co-founder Blake Lawrence grew up as one of five boys with a single Mum. He saw first-hand how money can be a major hurdle to jump for kids to play sport. Fellow co-founder Stuart Jacobs grew up in South Africa, and was a gun young golf talent. But golf is a sport that requires significant financial investment to make it all the way to the top. Stuart eventually reached a financial tipping point. These two have come together to create Clubfunders- an open source banking platform that aligns sports bodies, clubs and leagues, along with participants and sponsors. It’s a win-win-win formation, where leagues grow their competitions, players have more access to sport, and sponsors can realise greater return on their investments. It’s a model for junior, community and elite level sport. Blake and Stuart join us on the show today to talk us through the mission, the growth and their cutting edge open banking technology.

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#71: When the Italian Renaissance meets revolutionary electrical engineering: Callum Laurenson & EnPointe Fencing

Date: 19-Feb-2024
The sport of fencing is a throw-back to medieval sword fighting, with its modern incarnation drawing from the Italian Renaissance. Fencing was an original Olympic sport in 1896, and has captivated people with its grace, daring and precision ever since. Callum Laurenson, an electrical engineer and avid fencer, began a journey in 2012 to solve a perennial problem for the sport- electrical wires. Laurenson, and co-founders Tony Grubman and Rachel Muir-Smith, have built multiple iterations of world-leading patented wireless technology for the sport they love. Today, Cal takes us inside the inventors lab, and tells us how it was done, and how EnPointe is now setting its sights on new sports to revolutionise.

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#70: Getting kids active, with PrezentBox’s Dan Frkic & Con Apostolopoulos

Date: 18-Dec-2023
PrezentBox is a platform to enable and facilitate activity-based gifting for kids. Parents can create a profile that allows family members and friends to contribute money towards their kids’ participation in a sport or activity, rather than just buying another toy to sit on the shelf. Sport and activity providers can also use the platform to help connect with parents and communities. PrezentBox was founded by Dan Frkic, a business manager who built a stellar career with two of Hollywood’s biggest studios, Paramount and 20th Century Fox. Dan’s great mate and former colleague from Paramount and Fox, Con Apostolopoulos, is also on board at PrezentBox, as they help to get kids more active. They both join us on today’s show.

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#69: Capturing the moment, capturing the world: Andy Edwards’ GeoSnapShot global rise

Date: 11-Dec-2023
GeoSnapShot is a tech platform creating a centralised place to upload and download photos- with cutting edge AI recognition technology allowing for an instantaneous user experience. GeoSnapShot also broadens the opportunity to commercialise image content, provide brand integrations, and deeper fan engagement and connection. Tech maverick Andy Edwards founded this company, which has just been invested into by the most important media company in world sport, Comcast NBC Universal. Geo’s client list now includes NBC Sports, NASCAR, PGA Golf, the USCAA College sports, the San Antonio Spurs, USA Boxing and Tough Mudder. Andy gives us the inside story of his world beating tech!

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#68: A Place to Belong: How Michelle Walshe & Leigh Kenyon’s CoachMate is driving joy in kids’ sport

Date: 4-Dec-2023
Michelle Walshe is a film & TV director who has worked with Warner Bros., the BBC, and her own Augusto Group, based in New York City. Leigh Kenyon is a former soccer star, who played with New Zealand’s Football Kingz in Australia’s National Soccer League. Together they founded CoachMate, drawing upon their individual expertise, to make engaging, easy-to-digest content designed to educate and empower grassroots coaches, parents, kids and communities, to create sporting environments where all kids feel at home. The pair are now backed by Australian sportstech heavyweights Stirling Mortlock and James Godfrey’s XV Capital. Michelle and Leigh tell us how we can all make a better place for kids to play and love sport.

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#67: Flying High! the Power of High Altitude, with Rico Rogers & Callum Taylor from Box Altitude

Date: 27-Nov-2023
No longer do you need to fly to Arizona for high altitude, because Arizona comes right your bedroom, or lounge room, or anywhere you want to set up Box Altitude. Founder Rico Rogers is a former international pro cyclist, who used to benefits of high altitude training to try to bridge the gap he and other clean riders faced during the drug-riddled racing days of the early 2000s. Now he is allowing everyone to create a high altitude environment at home, through their Altitude Bedroom, Training Cloud and Sleep Cloud offerings. Rico, and leading engineer Callum Taylor, give us the inside story on this world-leading technology.

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#66: The Aussie business that got head-hunted by the biggest sports broadcaster in the world, NBC: Craig Horobin from Aircast

Date: 20-Nov-2023
Craig Horobin has spent the past 25 years at the tech cutting edge of sports broadcasting. His first big gig came as the Olympic Broadcast Manager for Telstra at Sydney 2000. Craig spent the next two decades working on FIFA World Cups, Olympics Games, Commonwealth Games, and major international diplomatic events like APEC. In 2015 he started his own shop- Aircast. Aircast provide ultra-low latency in-venue and at home streaming, and they are now working with one of the world’s largest media companies, Comcast NBC Universal, as their streamer of choice.

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#65: XV Capital’s Stirling Mortlock & James Godfrey, powering the future of Aussie sports technology

Date: 13-Nov-2023
Australian rugby union legend Stirling Mortlock, and much-vaunted sports mentor James Godfrey, are dynamically opening-up capital flow into sportstech start-ups, through their firm XV Capital. XV are investing capital, acumen and energy to help start-ups reach their full potential. They are behind the hottest sportstech property in the world, the Smart Ball, from UK company Sportable. Their Smart Ball- or as described by Eddie McGuire, ‘Super Footy’- will now be used in the AFL. It is already used in global rugby, while Nike and Adidas are jostling to bring it into soccer, and Sportable are now pushing into the USA. Mortlock & Godfrey are working with a wide array of tech start-ups like CoachMate- who’s mission is to empower women, girls, and all kids to have positive experiences in sport. And the likes of Queensland business, Clubfunders, which is using tech to help breach the perennial divide between how much money sports have, and how much they need. Mortlock & Godfrey tell us there’s so much room for growth and performance in Australian sports technology.

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#64: Fearless: The Steph Bofinger story

Date: 6-Nov-2023
Steph Bofinger is the founder of Fempro Armour. In 2019, Steph and 12 other ladies completed the first all-female motorbike run of the Simpson Desert- four days of gruelling off-road riding, in the unforgiving, and at times fatal, Australian Outback. For Steph, that ride was part of her healing process, having just escaped and survived domestic violence. While the Desert allowed one dark chapter to close, it brought to life a whole new world. On that ride she discovered the dire lack of female protective equipment for riders. All 13 women faced that same problem. So, Steph decided to find the solution. And Fempro Armour was born. Steph has expanded beyond motorsport, and is working hand-in-hand with Bond University with their Rugby Union program. She has also created a range of products for health care, aged care and disability care. Fempro Armour also create products for men and boys. For more info, check out femproarmour.com

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